Roční stáž EUI Library Trainee 2025

Univerzita EUI i v roce 2025 nabídne roční placenou stáž pro mladé absolventy a absolventky knihovnictví a informační vědy z celé Evropy. Na příští rok otevírá místa, vhodná pro magisterské či bakalářské absolventy/ky s titulem uděleným před méně než třemi lety. Stáž je placená, cestovní náklady jsou hrazeny.

24. 7. 2024

Zpětnou vazbu a zkušenosti studentů z předchozích let najdete zde.

Více informací níže v angličtině - dobrá znalost AJ je podmínkou pro přihlášku na stáž.

The EUI Library is looking for up to four Library trainees to join its team for a one-year term starting on either 1 February or 1 November 2025.

This is a paid (€1,420 per month) traineeship opportunity at a lively academic Library located in the Tuscan hills overlooking Florence. Applicants must have completed a university degree in Library and Information Studies or a similar field by the application deadline on 31 October 2024 and not more than three years before the traineeship start date (unless currently enrolled in further studies).

EUI Library trainees will be able to enhance their skills and gain experience in various library services, such as interlibrary loan, circulation, acquisitions, institutional repository and Open Science, cataloging, electronic resources management, integrated library systems, and journals. EUI Library trainees will also be involved in daily library tasks and special projects.

To apply, please send the following documentation by 31 October 2024 to
CV (which includes an indication of nationality)
Motivation letter

In addition, please ask one person not related to you to send a reference testifying to your character, experience, and/or skills directly to

To learn more, please visit
We are excited to hear from you!

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